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​​​​Dailey's Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors

Blitz, BCS and Grillo walk-behind tractors, related implements and accessories

Dailey's Farm and BCS Shop

The Smart Big Mill TimberJig is a patented hand-held sawmill of top quality. A versatile friend in your lumber project! Your chainsaw now has ability to accurately turn logs into finished boards and planks. Easy to operate and precise in its cuts, the Big Mill TimberJig gives you the ability to take an entire saw mill anywhere.

The Big Mill TimberJig attaches to the same two bolts that hold the chain bar to the saw. No need to drill holes for the mill in the bar! Additionally, in the box with the TimberJig, there are angle brackets and screws to build a straight wooden guide rail. This rail is only used for the first two cuts, to provide a flat surface. From then on, the TimberJig rests on the adjustable guide fence that sets the thickness of the board.

Made from aluminum and steel treated with nitrous oxide, the TimberJig has increased corrosion-resistance and is more durable and resistant to wear and tear.


Smart Products are designed and manufactured by Logosol ®, a Swedish based, family owned, and operated company. For over 20 years, Logosol has been developing and selling unique wood management products. Their products are known worldwide for simplicity of design, reliability, and efficiency. The owners and employees of Logosol take great pride in the products they offer.

Big Mill TimberJig (see below for video)

Retail price: $210 - Our price $185!