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​​​​Dailey's Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors

Blitz, BCS and Grillo walk-behind tractors, related implements and accessories

Dailey's Farm and BCS Shop

Blitz 80

  • Powered by a Vanguard 10HP Engine, the 80 is the most economical of the Blitz commercial duty Tractors. (Also available with Honda and Kohler engines)
  • Comparable to BCS 732 and Grillo G85d, but Blitz 80 has more features at a better price point
  • ​Attachment selection same as BCS 732 or Grillo G85d/107d

Blitz 120

  • Powered by a Vanguard 14HP Engine, the 120 is the most versatile of the Blitz two-wheel Tractors. (Other engine options available, Honda, Kohler)
  • Comparable to BCS 853 and Grillo G110, but Blitz 120 is bigger and "beefier" then either BCS or Grillo in this model class.
  • ​Attachment selection is same as BCS 749,750,853

Blitz 2-wheel Tractors

The Yagmur Blitz two-wheel tractors that we offer are all "Professional duty". They Provide excellent features, durability and at a better price point than BCS brand tractors. Some advantages of Blitz over BCS and Grillo:

  • Blitz two-wheel tractors are the only brand we sell that we offer our customers ability to rent attachments. This from 3 location in TN, GA and Indiana (and growing).
  • Electric start models come with headlights. (Also, OPTIONAL steering column mounted high-output LED light system available)
  • Unlike BCS and Grillo, all our models come with 4 total forward speeds (3 working speeds + 1 transport speed)
  • ​Quick hitch included standard on all our Blitz tractor models 80 and up
  • PTO Shaft with 2 settings (standard for PTO driven attachments and also "synchro setting" which allows PTO shaft to rotate at same rate as the wheels. This is perfect for anyone wanting to turn their 2-wheel tractor into a 4 x 4 trailered vehicle, as the PTO shaft can turn a trailer driveshaft.
  • Yagmur Blitz can run BCS branded attachments (contact us for full details). This is great for folks who already have a BCS two-wheel tractor but need a 2nd at a better price point.
  • The Blitz tow hitch is heavier-duty than BCS or Grillo tractors AND is positioned better for better optimizing of "drag attachments" such as root plow, sub-soiler, ridger, bed-shaper, etc.

Yagmur "Blitz" Tractors

The Yagmur Blitz tractor is the power source that operates the range of attachments suited to your needs and circumstance.  When matching a particular tractor model to a particular set of attachments, one must consider such factors as engine horsepower, number of working speeds, weight distribution, and balance.

Blitz 120 Tractor